Ángeles Muntadas-Prim

Vice President Ángeles Muntadas-Prim chairs the Spanish Association Supporting Vapers (ANESVAP). ANESVAP was formed in 2014 and is the only association in Spain defending vapers’ rights. Ms. Muntadas-Prim is co-founder/organiser of the THR Summit Spain (2018), which gathered tobacco harm reduction experts from around the world. She’s also been instrumental in promoting the Tobacco Harm […]

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Rob de Lange

President Rob de Lange chairs Acvoda, the Dutch non-profit organisation which supports Harm Reduction alternatives for consumers, since 2018. Acvoda strives to inform consumers on the risks and benefits of Harm Reduction alternatives to smoking, based on unbiased , peer reviewed studies and scientific research.Mr. de Lange holds the view that only truth based factual […]

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Olusola Obajimi

Global Communication Director Olusola is a public health and development strategist with expertise in strategic communication, advocacy, program design and coordination, knowledge management and design thinking. Her experience spans over 9 years in the management and coordination of development communications for international organizations on a wide range of donor-funded projects. She is passionate about health […]

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Atakan Erik Befrits

Global Advocacy & Policy Analyst Atakan Erik Befrits is a self-financed Swedish/Turkish tobacco harm reduction advocate, policy researcher, economist and entrepreneur. He serves as the pro bono Chairman of New Nicotine Alliance Sweden and as PR TAC for global umbrella CSO-NGO INNCO. Mr Befrits ambition is global recognition and adoption of tobacco harm reduction products and […]

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Jeffrey Zamora

Social Media Director Jeffrey Zamora is the president of Asovape Costa Rica (Pro-THR consumer organization) and board member of ARDT Iberoamerica, an alliance of consumer organizations advocating for tobacco harm reduction in the Iberoamerican region. He smoked for 17 years and is one of those “accidental quitters by vaping” as he tells his story to […]

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Janet O’Brien

Chief Operating Officer Janet has strong organisation skills and is deadline orientated. Her 20+ years in international administration within the corporate arena means she is used to keeping calm in high pressure situations and working with conflicting deadlines. She brings structure to a work environment with a relaxed yet professional manner. […]

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Judy Gibson

Director, Membership & Advocacy Policy Judy Gibson is currently INNCOs Membership Coordinator having led a Steering Group to establish the organisation in 2016 and acted as its first Secretary General following its registration in Geneva in 2017. Her diverse career includes; WRAF Aircraft Mechanic, Detective Sergeant and over 30yrs in Artiste management and Theatrical PR […]

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Olivier Théraulaz

Shadow Multipotentialite After 25 years of cigarettes consumption, Olivier Théraulaz stopped smoking within 5 days thanks to vaping in 2013. This personal experience was his Tobacco Harm Reduction advocacy starting point. His anterior links with Drug Harm Reduction in Switzerland oriented him into his current advocacy for a united global harm reduction movement including all […]

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