UK – VAPERS.ORG.UK is a website run by Vapers for Vapers. Collecting news and comments from around the world with regard to vaping. We are all volunteers and not funded in anyway by any aspect of “Big Industry” be it Electronic Cigarette, Tobacco or Pharmaceutical. The initial aim is to try and collate all the multitude of […]

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Hungary – Villanypára Egyesület – was established with the aim of supporting and helping people who want to quit smoking or are looking for smoke-free alternatives or who no longer smoke. Our main goal is to provide information, correct information, information and personal examples, to help those who want to quit smoking, and to protect their interests. Organizing and […]

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Belgium – Union Belge pour la Vape – Belgische Damp Bond (UBV-BDB)

The objectives of the non-profit organization are as follows; to raise funds and human resources to be able to challenge abusive laws and rules regarding vaping. Other objectives are protecting and promoting vaping as well as providing the necessary information and education. Our ultimate goal is a free, efficient and affordable vaping business. We intend […]

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Canada – THRA

Tobacco Harm Reduction Association of Canada is a Not-For-Profit consumer advocacy group. THRA mission is to promote the availability of effective, affordable and reduced harm alternatives to smoking by increasing public awareness and education; to encourage the testing and development of products to achieve acceptable safety standards and reasonable regulation; and to promote the benefits […]

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RDTA was created by former and current smokers in order to have means of expressing ideas together about Tobacco Harm Reduction. It is a non-profit association that advocates to defend the right to use vaping products, in all their forms. It also disseminates information among its members and society in general about the ​undeniable​ truth […]



ÖDC – Austrian Vapers Customer Association is representing the interests of all Austrian vapers. The official Association was founded to represent over 250,000 vapers in Austria against media, government and ministeries who wish to deny us our rights to vape. Our goal is to get vaping respected as an alternative to smoking as well as […]

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USA – NOT Blowing Smoke

Not Blowing Smoke is a nonprofit corporation formed in response to the California Department of Health’s misleading anti-vaping campaign, which to date, has spent upwards of $15 million dollars of taxpayer money. The organization was founded in March 2015 by Stefan Didak, a nationally recognized consumer advocate for vapor products with assistance from Jason Downing. […]

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Sweden – NNA Sweden

NNA Sweden is a tobacco harm reduction promoting Swedish NGO in the global network of civil society organisations. The aims of all members are to secure harm reduction product regulation that recognizes fundamental human rights to best attainable level of mental and physical health as individual and universal. Youth protection against tobacco and nicotine […]

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Norway – Norwegian Union of Vapers (NUV)

Norwegian Union of Vapers (NUV) work for an acceptable government regulation, makes information available to smokers, vapers and other interested parties, and promotes the availability of vaping as an effective harm reduction option for nicotine addicts. We have no affiliation or financial interest in the sales and production of equipment or e-liquid. Norwegian Union of […]

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